Conjugaison du verbe address oneself to [v.]
-address oneself to
Iaddress myself to
youaddress yourself to
headdresses himself to
weaddress ourselves to
youaddress yourself to
theyaddress theirselves to
Iaddressed myself to
youaddressed yourself to
headdressed himself to
weaddressed ourselves to
youaddressed yourself to
theyaddressed theirselves to
Iwilladdress myself to
youwilladdress yourself to
hewilladdress himself to
wewilladdress ourselves to
youwilladdress yourself to
theywilladdress theirselves to
Ihaveaddressed myself to
youhaveaddressed yourself to
hehasaddressed himself to
wehaveaddressed ourselves to
youhaveaddressed yourself to
theyhaveaddressed theirselves to
-addressing oneself to
-addressed oneself to
Mots se fléchissant sur le même modèle :
smash oneself up in an accident pass oneself off address oneself to